You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 17, 2008.

I know how much you all love Neal Stephenson, so I infiltrated this blog to let you all know that he has a new book out called Anathem.

Since childhood, Raz has lived behind the walls of a 3,400-year-old monastery, a sanctuary for scientists, philosophers, and mathematicians. There, he and his cohorts are sealed off from the illiterate, irrational, unpredictable “saecular” world, an endless landscape of casinos and megastores that is plagued by recurring cycles of booms and busts, dark ages and renaissances, world wars and climate change. Until the day that a higher power, driven by fear, decides it is only these cloistered scholars who have the abilities to avert an impending catastrophe. And, one by one, Raz and his friends, mentors, and teachers are summoned forth without warning into the unknown.

Huge thanks to Bianca for bravely firing up the BBQ on a damp Sunday, and to all those who brought the beautiful array of food we enjoyed (yummy bean salad, beautiful marinated chicken, delicious haloumi salad and BBQ’d veggies and sausages to boot). We’ll have to repeat it another time for those who missed out.

We had mixed reviews about Anonymous Lawyer by Jeremy Blachman, but please check out the review below and add your comments.

next discussion book

next discussion book

The next meeting is set for afternoon tea 3.00pm on Sunday 19th October 2008 at my place in Burwood – email me if you need the address and please keep a record of them as we go because obviously we’re not going to publish them online 🙂

As always, the date and time are flexible but we need to confirm it pretty soon – please let us know if it works for you and we’ll set it accordingly.

The next book up for discusion is Addition by Aussie author Toni Jordan, a novel told from the perspective of a woman with OCD. You can check out the SMH review here if you like. It’s available for £5.89 from the Book Depository.


September 2008